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tv   [untitled]    April 17, 2013 11:30am-12:00pm PDT

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>> thank you. let's get the mike it should work >> i'm an educator and, yes we did just come from a preservation. my time at city college i have treasured every second of it. as project survive we go into the classroom we serve multiple programs. we also serve ocean campus and the critic center and we're spreading the message how to prevent unhealthy relationships and how to prevent other
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violence. every time i give a presentation it strengthened the classroom that community. i learn more from my interactions as a peer educator caterpillar i'm a preeducator and project delivers nearly 4 hundred workshops a year on dating violence project. we do different activities with students where we talk about healthy relationships and how to prevent unhealthy relationships and how to prevent rape in other
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situations that are bad. doing those presentations has helped me to see how it impacts other students. students may not recognize when they're in on a abusive relationship. >> thank you very much. i'm going to call a few more cards. (calling names) doesn't have to be in that order just came
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forward >> i'm lee i'm counselor also a rent in supervisor mayor's district. so you know, i work with students who come from a board range of background and mostly non-traditional. i have students who go through a year program and oftentimes they are ready to go to work. our mission in - i have students who take 10 to 20 years who take many years to go through the programs. those are the students i'm so proud of those students who just spoke and i really appreciate what you're doing to say that
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this community matters this is all of san francisco that works hard everyday on behavior of their own first names but also the community at large. let me speak a little bit to what's happening to counseling. this goes back to the matriculation got cut by 50 percent and that of the evidence our first generation students and it cut counseling services and on top of that we scraped the bottom of the barrel when we lost almost all our part time counselor pr i'm still here thanks to my supervisors. the new budget for this coming
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year says nothing about bringing back the - >> counseling is seen as a a national power i think with the passing the propose thirty there's a certain that the general fund the colleges general fund revenues which now are much higher than they were before the package of propose a and thirty it's really a question of why there's no the reestablishing of counseling. >> i know of no new efforts to bring back the thousands of the counseling that's lost. i know of no effort to bring
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back you know the thousand of the classroom staff to provide the classes that are critical those are services their important for students who don't go to school full-time. >> thank you. >> i'm chair of the art department. in the vein of preserving the quality of the education i'm talking about the course of rerepeatability. first repeatability has been used by art students for decades in order to gain the art discipline for dance that is
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right and art. students were able to repeat an arts course depending upon the level the difficulty this way the students can development the basis for which to gain an expertise. this repeatability has been cut this means that an art class can be taken only once it changes the ability of students to take numerous classes because of the structure of the family. even if there are 6 withdrawal from a course will be counted as though the students has taken that course.
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finally, the loss of repeatability will adverse effect the high school graduates who have - such students need extra time to compete the acceptance for other opportunities. our students from diverse braugdz need the repeatability. >> hi. i've been teaching for thirty years in the arts and the last 22 the privilege of teaching at the community college that were my class i have a student from
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russia and israel as well as our san francisco community. it's an enormously rich place to teach. i'm sure you all know how much arts is on a emotional basis on the united states and california and san francisco. i just pulled some facts off the internet this morning how much money is brought in across the country. art take put out a list of communities that have a coalition between businesses and governments that create creativity. oakland and san francisco both rate in the top ten-spot.
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i have students who have gone on to study medical administration additional have become - we just had an exhibit over on the arts department if you're in the arts it's an astounding thing to have. we have students who have no arts in the high school who come to us they want to know the basis. when you talk to industrial light magic they're looking for people who are well versed in the art form and that's what we
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do. i want everyone to have that opportunity to reach their opportunity to become part of this great economical situation. california - >> thank you. can i just say i've heard the stories of the some of the mission schools and some of the different community murals it's a perfect example of how the cuts would eliminate the support of community artist but i think those are good examples of how the cuts are impacting the community but also a lot of students in the program. the art department physical ed and i believe theater are the
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only departments that have been singled out. i find it disturbing. this is the main blood flow in our community and a thank you very much. next speaker >> hello i work for the disabilities program at the city excellently. in that role i teach classes at the light house for the blind and the recreation rehab center. i'd like to call attention to city colleges role as a provider inform adult education the non-classes that are offered in the community. the college actually sends teachers to do sos of locations
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throughout the community including public libraries and going all the way back to the 70s let's send the teachers to where the students are instead of having the students worry about where to go. this has - we're being told that seniors with disabilities are not necessary. this is effecting decreased hours as recreation and senior centers. we're really trying to avoid institutional facilities. i know my chimes are ripping
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here but d s p.s. go we're mandated by law and they're using this for an excuse to lay people off. your technology coordinator lost his job and that might not be legal >> good morning. i'm a student at city college. i want to voice my opinion on the accreditation related to city college. i wanted to give a little bit of my story are city college has given me a second chance out of high school i wasn't prepared to go straight into a four-year but
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the city college has provided that he with that. i'm on track. and i've bend so much and if we continue to put education, you know, aside, you know, a lot of people, you know, have the are smart and capable, you know, we're going to be i guess not giving them the opportunity to succeed. and some of the city colleges are producing some the leader and many of my peers are going on to higher institutions. so, please keep city college in mind >> good morning, mr. chairman.
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i'm not going to sing to you but it's a real pleasure to address i today. as it was said it was approved by over 70 percent of san franciscans. i'm talking to you as a instructor. i want you to use the parcel taxes to be used for that purpose. it says that the taxes will prevent layoffs and to provide affordable qualify education for citizens. this is what i'm asking you to
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do and your resolution is going to help do that. now i committed might have to pay $632 for the next 8 years to maintain the quality of the education and i'm asking you to help us see that those funds are being used for what's intend. as a teacher for over 26 years i've never seen this. for faculties and students are being ignored. i feel fine we're not just the ones who are being ignored. now i want to continue to help my students. i'm tooech too non-credit
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classes this semester and students are being negatively impacted >> so, please wrap up. >> i'm asking you in our resolution i said that the city college of san francisco is crucial to the committee and social development of san francisco. i'm urging you to affirm that by moving the resolution forward >> i'm a native of san francisco. i got involved with this movement because it's been an undesk governor's process. a lot of students, faculties in the community their input has not been taken into the full equation. i want to read something from tom brown. he says i'm happy to report that
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the two resolutions passed by the republican party shows on enabling awareness of the need for greatest accountability in governance. the resolution supporting the uc states the - they does not carol represent the stakeholders and as executives of financial institutions frequently subject to conflicts of interests and often lack backgrounds in education and a thank you and thank tom brown for that as well
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>> i want to mention a couple of things. city college is really vital. it's not simply a place for people to go to get they're under graduate things done it's part of an ongoing system for people with disabilities. just like when seniors it's not just medical services they need it's a whole care there's senior centers and a number of others things that enhance their lives. city college also addresses those services it's an enrichment. many of the people utilize those
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services so listen to the community and use those propose a taxes to improve it >> michael lion from senior disability action. i used to teach at city college i taught only evening class of nurses. i come into my class and many of them would have their heads down on their desks by the way, they worked all day but as soon as i started talking they were alert they were there. they were wonderful students. a number of years later i had a heart condition where i had a triple bypass i was happy to
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have some students that i had taking care of me. now i'm an advocate for seniors with disabilities and i can't emphasize enough the importance of those programs. someone wrote on interesting piece california he wrote cancels colleges provided retraining for folks who need to stay in the workforce. many of the decisions came about because the funds were insufficient because of disease or other unplanned events. those are targeted specifically for this phonetics to address
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their educational and number one educational. the human brain can be slowed down to prevent brighten deceased. so people can remain a vital part of our community >> thank you anything else want to speak please come forward. >> hi i wanted to thank you supervisor mar for hosting this hearing. obviously city college for san francisco is a vital resource. we build student leader to
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address entity issues we're working to close the remarkable achievement gaps. we are experiencing layoffs and the students are many, many ways facing the crisis. i wanted to talk briefly about some recently data that was released that kind of speaks to the achievement gap. in the remedial classes only 25 percent of students who start at the city college in a remedial math class are able to move up. into a college level class.
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their less than a 40 percent completion degree such as african-american students. i want to acknowledge that city college is out performing in this state and we can do better. i also want to say that kohlman advocates and smack support more resources coming from waving fees or general fund support >> thank you. monthly that would like to speak? seeing none, public comment is closed. i wanted to first thank everyone for coming out and we'll continue to reach out to scott
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and the trustees. i want to acknowledge that the stories by the students and others were important. and the intent of propose a as many of us built the grassroots campaign and also the statewide propose thirty i think the spirit of that was to keep the cuts as far away from the classrooms as possible that were also is from the great comments from the arts department and the senior disabilities and other departments the lgb is an
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amazing institution that allows opportunities for four-year college assess by also transforming people's lives who don't go own to four-year colleges as well but the 85 thousand students were at risk of cutting back at the years of development of the programs that were represented here. i wanted to also is a that the intent now that we have some data and i appreciate the data to look at how the closing achievement and opportunity gap for students from low income families is really critical and i'm glad to have that information but my hope is to
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reconvene that my office here and the trustees can convene more the working group that involves the community and how we can billed more sports. i hope the group will develop proposals so we can have other colleagues on the board supporting efforts whether in kind or other ideas. i think that pre k the way they if you happened the money and also propose h the public enrichment fund but strategyly the 85 thousand students would have some if you happened straemgz like that. i also wanted to say that the state holder group would include the college board tristesse
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because we can only recommend the decisions but i hope they will be balanced decisions. faculty should be involved and the controllers office and thank you. the staff for providing some information. also the mayor and his education advisor should be a part of this effort. thank the community for coming out today and hope my colleagues will support this resolution but working together and think of ways we can support city college >> thank you supervisor mar and thank you for bringing this resolution forward.